Technology Collaboration Programme by:

Technology Collaboration Programme by:

Task 1

Information Exchange

Objective of Task

Task 1 serves as a platform for information exchange among member countries. The objectives are to collect, analyse, and disseminate information on hybrid, electric and fuel cell vehicles, and related activities.
Information exchange focuses on these topics:

  • Research and technology development;
  • Commercialization, marketing, sales, and procurement
  • Regulation, standards, and policies;
  • Awareness raising measures; and
  • Activities of HEV TCP Tasks.


Working Method

Experts from member countries serve as delegates at Task 1 meetings held every six months in conjunction with the HEV TCP Executive Committee (ExCo) meetings. Country delegates also write country-specific information for HEV TCP publications, such as the country chapters in this annual report. Many country delegates also serve dual roles as the official Task Manager (TM) for a specific Task. In this role, they may also represent HEV TCP to a public audience by presenting Task results at international conferences, such as the EVS (Electric Vehicle Symposium) meetings.

The Task 1 OA is responsible for coordinating and leading the biannual experts’ meetings, compiling the minutes of these meetings, maintaining the HEV TCP website, and editing and supervising the production of the newsletter and the ExCo annual report. The OA also acts as liaison to the other Task TMs, the ExCo Chair (together with the Secretary-General), and the IEA Desk Officer.

A significant component of the information exchange for the Task occurs at the experts’ meetings, where participants brief the attendees on relevant reports, facts, and statistics pertaining to hybrid and electric vehicles in their home countries. These presentations generally cover current developments on the market situations for EVs and HEVs (national sales and fleet penetration, by vehicle type); the progress of international, national, or local programs and incentives in the field; and new initiatives in vehicle and component development arising from both the private sector and public-private partnerships.

All member countries of the HEV TCP automatically participate in Task 1. There is no cost for Task membership. Each country designates an agency or nongovernmental organization as its Task 1 expert delegate. Frequently, guest experts are invited to participate in Task 1 meetings to present their activities and to exchange experiences with HEV TCP participants. This is a valuable source for keeping up to date with worldwide developments.



In 2022, Task 01 helped coordinate the running of ExCo 55 and ExCo 56, which were both held in a hybrid format. As part of both ExCo 55 held in Oslo, Norway and ExCo 56 held in Dundee, Scotland, Task 01 organized and ran the Knowledge Sharing Workshop, which offered updates from member countries and host country organizations.

The Task 01 Task Managers continue to manage HEV TCP’s public website and internal Members’ Sharepoint site, the latter of which is used to organize and maintain a database of up-to-date information and resources for members. A leading focus over this past year was the updating of HEV TCP templates for data collection and reporting. Working with the Chair and Secretary, this is in effort to help ensure consistent branding and updated design across all HEV TCP publications.

As was the case in previous years, Task 01 is committed to continuing to grow HEV TCP’s presence on social media, through regular information sharing via the LinkedIn and Twitter profiles. Task 01 continues to publish newsletters with regular updates on HEV TCP work and updates from ExCos, and welcomes any contributions from HEV TCP members for future issues.