Technology Collaboration Programme by:

Technology Collaboration Programme by:

Task 26

Wireless Power Transfer for EVs

Objective of Task

The Task coordinated a study of various country-based standards, technical approaches, grid interactions, and regulatory policy for Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) for EVs, and addressed interoperability, power levels, alignment, and safety. In addition, there were many fields of interest in WPT that this task addressed. The objectives were to:

  • Categorise deployment approaches and requirements for WPT technologies such that participants develop an understanding of what challenges are faced in different countries or markets and what it takes to put this technology into the field in these markets.
  • Compare the characteristics of WPT systems being developed in the participating countries, and discuss how to address interoperability concerns.
  • Catalogue, discuss, and compare standards for WPT in different countries (JARI, SAE, ISO/IEC, etc.).
  • Discuss and summarise safety issues regarding misalignment, leakage fields, and debris tolerance and response.

Working Method

The task conducted bi-annual workshops and supporting conference calls, which included visiting locations of WPT research or deployment activities to gain first-hand knowledge of how this technology was progressing and to inform the committee of new work. Based on information gathered from participating countries, specific areas were identified as being of critical interest for off-line research.

The process for how this task operated was as follows:

  • Develop an understanding of the challenges faced in various countries or markets by categorising deployment approaches and requirements for WPT technologies.
  • Compare current WPT technology development and address interoperability concerns for both static and dynamic systems.
  • Summarise safety issues arising from misalignment, leakage fields, and debris tolerance and response.
  • Establish a repository for the data collected and links to other activities available to task members.


The conclusions of the task final report are:

  • Through various demonstrations and research programmes, in countries throughout the world, WPT technologies have been shown to be a promising method of powering/charging vehicles in multiple scenarios.
  • Demonstrations of High power WPT technologies (100 — 1,000kW) change the previous application boundaries.
  • Dynamic WPT feasibility studies have shown that large scale deployment has substantial benefit potential with large resource commitments.
    • FABRIC results establish recommendations in socio-economic areas as well as technology.
    • KAIST dynamic WPT-enabled bus routes highlight the ability to reduce battery storage requirements and weight.
  • WPT centre operating frequency agreement (85kHz for power levels below 11kW) will allow for multiple providers to bring technologies to market.
  • The complexity of integrating WPT technologies into an existing transportation system is typically understated. Currently only BMW offers a production vehicle WPT charging option (at 3.3 kW).
  • Current state of the WPT related standards are not adequate and require international support.
  • Higher power WPT deployments such as those for commercial vehicle applications have additional consideration areas including grid impacts, bidirectional charging and peak demand timing.