Technology Collaboration Programme by:

Technology Collaboration Programme by:

Task 32

Small Electric Vehicles

Objective of Task

The objective of this task was to promote broader commercialisation, acceptance and further development of SEVs by collecting and sharing pre-competitive information, exchanges about framing conditions, best practices and ideas, and how to develop the market conditions and mobility concepts further. In this sense, the objectives in short were twofold:

  1. Increased safety, comfort and usability at lower costs for SEVs due to technological progress.
  2. Better market perspectives for SEVs due to a change in surrounding conditions such as regulations, transport policies and mobility concepts.

The key aspects were SEV concepts, status of technologies and needs for research as well as the conditions to put them on the market. Apart from the vehicles themselves, the focus was on the potential future role of SEVs within advanced mobility concepts, including e.g. their role in concepts of sharing, increased automation and new public transport.

Working Method

The main approach of Task 32 was to collect and exchange information in workshops aimed at professionals from research, enterprises and policy makers, depending on the individual topics. The concept of presentations from individual stakeholders together with more interactive parts had proven to be attractive. While the Task partnership constituted individuals from academic institutions, NGOs and policy makers, contributions from industry and their participation in workshops were explicitly welcomed.

In addition to the workshops, information was gained by surveys and special sessions at conferences to gather interested stakeholders and exchange knowledge. Results were published by writing papers, providing presentations or attending conferences.


Dr. Stephan Schmid

Institute of Vehicle Concepts