Technology Collaboration Programme by:

Technology Collaboration Programme by:

Task 43

Vehicle/Grid Integration

Objective of Task

Analysing the challenges identified on the integration of the electric vehicles into our electricity and transport system in order to improve economic and environmental performance. Our specific objectives are:

  • to explore, identify and give answers to the gaps preventing the electric vehicles to be fully integrated in the electrical grid
  • to improve the joint work between electric sector and mobility sector, which is a key point for the real energy transition

Task 43 will focus on the challenges identified on the following categories: infrastructure planning, electricity markets, technology development and user engagement.

The scope and basic approach of Task 43 includes:

  • the analysis of all VGI aspects by means of expert workshop meetings with stakeholders involved in each of the identified gaps
  • Join stakeholders from different sectors to find global solutions to overcome gaps and barriers
  • Interact with other tasks within the TCP (batteries, EV consumers and interoperability) and in others TCPs (PV-EV, flexibility for buildings)

Task 43 aims to cover all vehicle grid integration topics such as:

  • Distribution grid impacts of massive EV penetration
  • Integration of renewable generation: PV and EV
  • Peak demand reduction by means of EVs
  • Vehicle-to-Grid
  • Regulation issues
  • Consumer economics
  • EVSE controls and networks
  • EVSE cybersecurity issues

Working Method

The overarching objective of Task 43 is to investigate the means for facing the technical, economic, regulatory and social challenges of vehicle-grid integration. The whole VGI value chain will be considered in this process including power system operators, power electronics industry stakeholders, the most relevant original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), EV fleet and infrastructure operators and the end-user.

Utilizing the existing HEV TCP framework, Task 43 will provide the opportunity to bring together the key actors in the EV industry including research and industry players and energy policymakers in order to discuss the requirements for the development and the integration of vehicles in the electrical grid.

By leveraging the technical skills and different experiences of the participants, it will be possible to improve the currently available market analyses of VGI technology.

The challenges to be solved during Task 43 may be divided into:

  1. Charging technology and standards
    • Open standards linked between EV, charger and third parties
    • Security for users and global data protection (GDPR)
    • Effective and smart access to AC and DC chargers
  2. Markets, services and regulation
    • Regulation: remove barriers to market entry, unity between national energy markets. Global/national
    • Operational requirements: operational costs, technical feasibility, operational performances (latencies, frequencies, time-response, etc)
    • Business models: Full value chain needs understanding, e.g. impact battery wear
  3. Grid infrastructure and planning
    • Educate stakeholders about smart grid and data must be made accessible
    • Bring knowledge on VGI together: categorizer + address knowledge gaps
    • Provide easily accessible VGI solutions to DSO
  4. User engagement
    • Convenient: seamless experiences. Bundle transport services (cost of tech + electricity tariff…). Simple requirements from user
    • Risk-free: Avoid and or compensate risk. Meet driver requirements + ensure against battery degradation
    • Profitable: make financial sense. Reduce cost of access + cost of use

The Task 43 aims at producing the following outputs:

  • Knowledge exchange workshops
  • Free and accessible database of VGI/V2G projects
  • Tangible and targeted support for governments and standards agencies (position papers)
  • Publications and participation in related events
  • Support collaboration and projects between different stakeholders, such as DSO, TSO, OEM, regulators


The goal of Task 43 in the coming years is to use the expected results both for policy-makers and industrial partners to promote VGI worldwide. Furthermore, the gained knowledge and results of such investigations can be integrated to the market research and business modelling carried out by the different actors in the worldwide EV market.