Technology Collaboration Programme by:

Technology Collaboration Programme by:

Task 49

EV Fire Safety

Objective of Task

Task 49 on “EV Fire Safety” has been initiated due to the fact that, although we see a growing interest in electric mobility from policy makers, companies and end users, there is still some lack of trust in the safety aspects of electric vehicles. Task 49 want to collect and share objective information on different EV fire safety related aspects to increase the overall trust in electric vehicles.

Task 49 will collect statistics on EV fire incidents since risk assessments based on limited statistics could lead to a too negative perception of EV fire safety risks hampering the roll-out out EV’s and charging infrastructure in e.g. underground parking facilities. Task 49 will stimulate knowledge exchange on EV fire safety aspects by sharing experiences between country experts to increase insights in EV fire safety risks and to share best practices in preventing or mitigating EV fire incidents (from both the technological and regulatory perspective).

Task 49 target groups are building and parking owners, OEMs (vehicles and charging infrastructure), fire rescue workers, transport and tow companies, insurance companies, policy makers, regulations, and up to the EV drivers and general public.

Working Method

ask 49 will organize 5 online workshops on “EV Fire Safety” related topics to share and discuss collected information and best practices. Before defining the specific workshop topics, Task 49 will set-up a database of experts/stakeholders from the participating countries and will start with mapping the existing initiatives/working groups/available information on “EV Fire Safety” aspects in each participating country. The exact workshop topics will be decided upon in consultation with all participating countries and will focus on topics of highest interest and/or on which there is the biggest benefit of sharing experiences between countries. Potential workshop topics are: “EV fire incident statistics”, impact of electric vehicles on “Parking fire safety regulations”, on “Insurances”, “Fire rescue workers procedures”, “Removal and after-treatment of damaged electric vehicles”, etc.

Task 49 – Overview of Tasks:

  • Task 1: Collection of information: desktop research, interviews, conferences, …
  • Task 2: Stakeholders database: definition of task working group and stakeholders
  • Task 3: Collaboration related IEA HEV TCP tasks: check for links with ongoing tasks from their specific expertise e.g. on vehicle side (LEV, trucks, buses, marine, etc.), on batteries or charging infrastructure (extreme fast charging, battery swapping, etc.)
  • Task 4: Workshops: organize 5 online workshops on selected topics, prioritization in consultation with all participating countries
  • Task 5: Dissemination: IEA HEV TCP annual reports, newsletters, conferences, etc.
  • Task 6: Task Management